The FRP++ Consortium Management Board and Teaching Staff of University of Minho, Naples, Girona and INSA/UPS.

José Sena Cruz
FRP++ Director
(Associate Professor with Habilitation at UMINHO)

Cristina Barris
FRP++ University of Girona Coordinator
(Associate Professor at UdG)

Andrea Prota
FRP++ University of Naples Federico II Coordinator
(Full Professor at UNINA)

Marco Di Ludovico
FRP++ University of Naples Federico II Coordinator
(Associate Professor at UNINA)

Bruno Castanié
FRP++ Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse/ University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier Coordinator
(Full Professor at INSA/Toulouse)
Teaching Staff
University of Minho

Eduardo Pereira
Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-2727-3266
Assistant Professor at the UMINHO, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2012). He is specialized in the micromechanics and design, fresh and hardened behaviour of cementitious composites showing strain hardening in tension, self-healing, self-sensing and resilience in maritime environments, image-based monitoring of fracture processes and other monitoring techniques.

Isabel Valente
Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-0502-9956
Assistant Professor at UMinho,holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2007). Her main research interests are in steel structures, steel and concrete composite structures, steel-concrete shear connection and connections between concrete and polymeric materials reinforced with fibers.

Assistant Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0001-7892-9176
Assistant Researcher at UMINHO, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2014). Main topics of research include structural safety assessment, blast, impact and earthquake modelling/testing, refractory masonry, composites and sandwich panels.

Joaquim Barros
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-1528-757X
Full Professor at UMINHO, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (1996). His research interests include structural strengthening, composite materials, fiber reinforced concrete and the development of constitutive models for the simulation of the behavior of cement based and polymer based materials, and their implementation in software based on the finite element method.

José Sena Cruz
Associate Professor with Habilitation
ORCID: 0000-0003-3048-1290
Associate Professor with Habilitation at UMINHO, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2004). Expert in strengthening existing RC structures and the development of new materials/structural systems with composite materials, in different aspects, namely in the study of the structural behaviour at short and long-term, and durability issues, supported by experimental, numerical and analytical research.

Luis Correia
Postdoctoral Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0001-7341-3971
Postdoctoral researcher at ISISE, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2018). He has specialized in durability and long-term behaviour of RC members strengthened with FRP materials, with expertise in experimental design, high-level execution and analysis, and advanced structural modelling techniques.

Miguel Azenha
Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-1374-9427
Assistant Professor with Habilitation at UMINHO, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2009). His research interests include: i) the use of digital processes in construction, namely Building Information Modelling, and ii) numerical and experimental study of concrete at early ages.

Victor Cunha
Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-3580-4271
Assistant Researcher at UMINHO, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2010). His research interests include: fiber reinforced concrete, composite materials, additive manufacturing (Industry 4.0), nonlinear FEM analysis, alkaline activation and development of sustainable materials.
Teaching Staff
University of Girona

Albert Turon
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-2554-2653
Associate Professor at UdG, holds PhD in Composite Materials (2006). His main areas of research are: i) Numerical modelling of delamination and adhesive joints,ii) Experimental characterization,iii) Design and optimization for improved damage tolerance and resistance,iv) Uncertainty Quantification and Management in the analysis of composites.

Cristina Barris
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-5624-4202
Associate Professor at UdG, holds PhD in Technology (2011). Expert in reinforcing and strengthening reinforced concrete structures with composite materials (FRP), in different aspects, namely in the study of the structural behaviour at short and long-term, durability issues and serviceability behaviour, supported by experimental and analytical research.

Daniel Trias
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-1293-3524
Associate Professor at UdG, holds PhD in Composite Materials (2005). His main research areasare: optimization methods applied to mechanical design, simulation of composite structures, fracture mechanics.

Emilio Gonzalez
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-0190-8742
Associate Professor at UdG. Gonzalez's PhD (2011) involved an investigation of the damage resistance and damage tolerance of polymer-based composite plates under low-velocity impact. Main research interests: simulation of large composite structures; translaminar fracture toughness and the cohesive law shape; characterization of the interlaminar fracture toughness.

Josep Costa
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-7134-7146
Full Professor at UdG, holds PhD (1996) by the University of Barcelona. His research activity focuses on the characterization and simulation of the mechanical behaviour of continuous fibre composites. He concentrates on the study of fracture and progressive damage of composites and other engineering materials.

Lluis Torres
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-00027884-628X
Full Professor at UdG, PhD by the Tech. Univ. of Catalonia (2001). His research interests include serviceability behaviour of structural concrete as well as reinforcing and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures with FRP.

Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-8462-4942
Associate Professor at UdG, holds PhD in Technology (2011). Her main research lines are concrete structures reinforced and/or strengthened with fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) with a special focus in their short and long-term performance (bond and flexural), supported by experimental and analytical research.

Norbert Blanco
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-2446-2106
Full Professor at UdG, holds PhD in composite materials (2005). His research activity focuses on the experimental characterization and modelling of the mechanical and structural behaviour of composites and 3D-printing of continuous-fibre composite materials, especially on interlaminar fracture and low-velocity impact.

Pere Maimi
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-7350-1506
Associate Professor at UdG. His research interests are the mechanical response of composite materials.
Teaching Staff
University of Naples

Andrea Prota
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-3820-663X
Full Professor at UNINA, holds PhD in Civil Engineering (1998). Theoretical and experimental research on: non-linear behaviour of RC and masonry structures, seismic retrofit with composites, behaviour of concrete structures reinforced with composite bars, polymeric and composite structures.

Antonio Bilotta
Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-2414-5488
Tenured Assistant Professor at UNINA,holds PhD in Structures Engineering (2011). Theoretical and experimental research on: bond behaviour of FRP materials, linear and non-linear behaviour of RC structures and steel-concrete composite structures, fire behaviour of structures reinforced and/or strengthened with composite materials.

Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-4912-2944
Associate Professor at University of Sannio, holds PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2015). His main research interests are in seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete structures by mean of composite materials (FRP). He conducts analytical and experimental (full-scale) studies to develop innovative retrofit solutions.

Constantino Menna
Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-9528-1324
Assistant Professor at UNINA, holds PhD in Materials Engineering and Structures (2013). Theoretical and experimental research on: composite/FRP structures, sandwich structures, nano-reinforced composites, geopolymers, high performance concrete, bio-composites, shape memory alloys, 3D printed concrete, life cycle assessment, resilience and sustainability methods.

Edoardo Cosenza
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-7517-488X
Full Professor at UNINA, holds PhD in Civil Engineering (1986). Theoretical and experimental research on: non-linear behaviour of RC structures, seismic design of RC structures by using innovative building materials and base-isolation systems, behaviour of concrete structures reinforced with composite bars.

Emidio Nigro
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-3848-7454
Full Professor at UNINA, holds PhD in Structural Engineering (1994). Theoretical and experimental research on: high temperature behaviour of concrete structures reinforced or strengthened with FRP; fire behaviour of steel, steel-concrete composite structures and RC tunnels; strengthening of masonry and RC structures.

Gian Piero Lignola
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-6027-9291)
Associate Professor at UNINA, holds PhD in Seismic Risk (2007). Theoretical and experimental research on: Nonlinear behavior and Finite Elements Analysis of RC and masonry structures, seismic strengthening using advanced materials, analysis of shallow cavities and jet grouted tunnels, analysis of historical/monumental and archeological structures, modeling of corrosion effects in RC.

Marco Di Ludovico
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-3697-3923
Associate Professor at UNINA, holds PhD in Civil Engineering (2007). Theoretical and experimental research on: bond behaviour of FRP materials, non-linear behaviour of RC and masonry structures, seismic retrofit with composite materials, repair and retrofit costs on existing buildings, sustainable innovative building materials.

Assistant Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-3396-9825
Assistant Professor at University of Naples Federico II, holds a PhD degree in Phenomena and Environmental Risks (2018). Her main research interests are assessment and retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete and masonry structures with composite materials (FRP, FRCM, FRM) towards different natural hazards (earthquake and tsunami). Her research is supported by experimental testing and numerical studies.
Teaching Staff
INSA Toulouse / University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

Bruno Castanié
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-2727-8622
Full Professor (ClasseExceptionnelle) at INSA, holds PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at ISAE Supaéro (2001). Expert in aeronautic composites with strong links to French aerospace industry.

Christophe Bouvet
Full Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-2637-9170
Full Professor of Structural Engineering and Composite Structures at ISAE-SUPAERO. His research deals with damage in composite structures (impact, compression after impact, open hole tension, crack propagation), finite element modelling of damage in composite structures and measure of fracture toughness in composite structures using infrared thermography.

Position: Central Stress Authority Senior Expert Composite Stress Analysis at Airbus Group
Appointed Stress Composite Central Airframe Authority in 2015, contribute to Harmonization of the Airframe Technical Authority for composite Stress, to establish Airframe Policies such as Margin policy, tool policy, and support of Airframe Hot topic resolutions. Product Domain Authority manager for A350 stress NSDW from 2010 to 2014, developing stress methods& tools in time cost & quality.

Joel Serra
Postdoc Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0002-2466-7673
Postdoc Researcher at INSA, holds PhD in composite materials (2016). His main areas of researchare:experimental and numerical analysis of composite materials failure, and on bio-composites.

Pablo Navarro
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-3351-0109
Associate Professor at UPS, holds PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2010). His current research interests are impact on rotor blade and post-impact fatigue analysis.

Philippe Olivier
Full Profesor
ORCID: 0000-0002-2290-2510
Professor (ClasseExceptionnelle) UPS,holds PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at ISAE Supaéro (2001). His current research interests focus on manufacturing issues of composite.

Redouane Zitoune
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-4375-0998
Associate Professor at UPS, holds PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2005). His current research interests include damage analysis during drilling and milling of composites materials (with conventional machining, laser machining and abrasive water jet machining) and finite element analysis of machining.

Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-0195-7640
Associate professor at INSA Toulouse, holds a PhD in materials science (2012). He specialises in micromechanics of composite materials. His research activities cover the multi-scale modelling of composite materials from analytical to computational aspects.

General Secretary – University of Minho
(Master in Management of Human Resources)